Resources for Families

Check out these resources to help your family’s bond!

EFT Books:

EFT-Congruent/Attachment-Based Books for Parents:


The instruction manual you wish came out with the baby!



Love Sense: From Infant to Adult (Still Face Experiments):

This video explains about attachment responses in families over the life span, how crucial it is to get a response from those who matter most to us, and why we go into attachment panic when we get a blank face.



Hand in Hand Parenting is a great website with lots of resources to help parent kids from a place of connection. Super helpful!

Here Dr. Laura Markham, a Clinical Psychologist committed to attachment theory, helps parents figure out responses to the challenges of parenting while nurturing the bond AND learning how to care for ourselves as parents so WE feel better too!


Remember to check out the Workshops for Families too, particularly for parents and teens!