Take Action

Join us at a
Gathering for therapists in Central PA!

If you are tired of doing this work alone and would like to be part of a dedicated, warm, welcoming group of EFTers locally, click below to get information on joining our next gathering! We’d love to have you! Let’s grow in our practice of EFT together!


Get Listed in the
Central PA EFT
Therapist Directory

Your partnership in this community matters! And there are therapists and potential clients in this Central PA region who need to know about you and your services! Join the Therapist Directory and be part of the “Find a Therapist” page on this site! Or renew to keep your information in front of the community!

When you click on the button below, it will take you to the Therapist Directory Listing form. Thanks for partnering together!


Work with an EFT Supervisor

Want to stretch your practice of EFT? Let us help you!


Get Certified as an
EFT Therapist!

Interested in the benefits of getting certified? Want to learn more about the process? Explore here…


Join the
Therapist Listserv!

Are you a therapist in Central PA and want to connect more with EFT therapists locally? Join us! (This listserv is only for therapists.)

This button will take you to the Google Group where you can “Ask to Join Group”. Click that option, fill out the requested info, and we’ll email confirmation to let you know when it is processed. Welcome!


Join the Planning Team!

Would you enjoy pouring into growing this lovely EFT community? Or curious and want to find out more? Let us know! We’d love to partner together!




ICEEFT (the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy) is the parent organization to our Central PA EFT Community and is the group over all EFT globally.  It is here to equip, support, and encourage us therapists in our mission to live out good EFT with our clients, colleagues, and ourselves.  Joining ICEEFT helps you become part of something bigger than yourself, gives you access to (and discounts on!) great resources, training videos and workshops, gives you access to the global ICEEFT listserv where you can ask your questions and get support, allows you to be listed on the global ICEEFT Find A Therapist directory, connects you with EFTers around the world (which is seriously fun and meaningful!), and allows you to be listed on our Community website (as all ICEEFT members in our Community can be).  And if you do the lifetime membership (which is in Canadian dollars, so less than it looks like), it is a once and done and you’re set for life! Curious about joining? Check out these benefits of ICEEFT membership!